In this fantastic sequel to The Mysterious Benedict Society, Reynie, Kate, Sticky, and Constance embark on a hard and difficult journey that Mr. Benedict put together for them.
Sticky, and Constance embark on a hard and difficult journey that Mr. Benedict put together for them.
But the journey grows harder. It appears that Mr. Benedict and his assistant Number Two have been kidnapped by his evil twin brother, Mr. Curtain. Mr. Benedict had put a bunch of clues everywhere for the children to follow. They sneak away with the first and second clues and get started.
The clues lead them to a boat called the Shortcut. It takes them to a castle where the next clue is hidden. That clue takes them to a town called Thernbaagen. They go to an island where Mr. Benedict is hidden. When they get to the cave they’re hidden in, they find Mr. Curtain there, and get chained up together with Mr. Benedict. They escape and get back home to their families.
I recommend this book to kids who have read the first one and who love adventure.
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